Crime Victim Compensation

To receive compensation, you (or your family member) must:

  • Be a victim of a crime that happened in Illinois
  • Report the crime or file an Order of Protection
  • Cooperate with the police, courts and the Crime Victims Compensation Program
  • File the claim within 2 years of the crime
  • Not be involved in illegal activity that caused the crime to happen
There are exceptions to the above requirements (especially if the victim is younger than 18 years old).

This program will not reimburse you for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Stolen or damaged property
Please note:  the overall maximum award shall not exceed $27,000, however monetary limits apply to most benefits.

Please contact 1-800-228-3368 with questions.

Download and printable application available here in (English) (en Español) (Po Polsku).